Monday, January 26, 2015

Good-Bye Ninevah!

We've been learning about evil, ugly Assyria in our Mystery of History lessons.  We role played Jonah running away from his task of going to preach in Ninevah, being swallowed by a big fish, puked back up, and eventually obeying God and going to talk to the Assyrians.  (um, super scary - they were NOT nice people)  While Jonah's teaching did redeem them for awhile (we rejoiced) we were sad to learn they Assyrians fell away from God again and he had to wipe out the humongous city of Ninevah with a flood.

Today, we built Ninevah with the moon sand the kids got from Kea and Miguel for Christmas and then we wiped it out!
The moon sand was very moldable without being sticky on the hands and the kids enjoyed it a lot.  As a disclaimer - when we first opened it it was quite stinky so we left it open in the tote on the front porch to air out for a couple of weeks.  It doesn't dry out so I didn't have to worry about that while it was airing, which was a bonus!

Good-bye Ninevah.  We're sorry you couldn't get it together.

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