Monday, November 10, 2014

The Boxcar Children

Over the past week and a half the children, Mike, and I have devoured The Boxcar Children.  They LOVED the book and we sometimes read two or three chapters in a row.

After we started the book I discovered that the video was on Netflix.  I read a few reviews that all said it followed the book quite closely so last night we had a popcorn and movie night.  While I always think the book is better, the movie was quite good and did follow the book fairly accurately.
 Even Ameliya enjoyed the movie night.
{"Here sissy, you can have a drink of my water."}
We are trying to decide what to read next.  We have a pile of books that I've ordered so we have to narrow it down!

1 comment:

Shonya said...

Oh most excellent! We read this a while back and the kids loved it. This mama is feeling wiped (and it's only Tuesday!) so guess what we're going to do on this cold night? You guessed it--Casey's pizza and The Boxcar Children!

Thanks for sharing that tip! :)