Monday, November 24, 2014

Lesson on Lines

At the beginning of the school year I searched and "pinned" some ideas for art lessons for the kids.  My idea of doing these weekly got replaced by co-op classes but we are sneaking them in by bits and pieces.  Today we did a lesson on lines.  The conversation was interesting...

(X) "Mom, let's use these [pipe cleaners] to make the lines for a star."
(N) "Mom, we can twist these to make curly lines!"
(X) "Mom, the letters in our name are made of lines!  Let's make letters!"

This was fun, cheap, easy to lay out and exciting for the kids.  
We made short lines by bending and by cutting.  We twisted pipe cleaners together to make long lines.  We enjoyed visiting while doing it!

I also taught the children to make hand print turkeys this morning so I'm pretty much up for mom of the year!  Happy turkey week!

1 comment:

Shonya said...

What an excellent, fun, and EASY idea! I'm still a little bummed we don't live closer to one another to do fun things together! :)