Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Poxy Lady?

Sixteen days ago Mike was diagnosed with shingles.  We knew it was a very real possibility that one or all of the children would get chicken pox because of the shingles.  I've watched them all very closely and when the fourteen day mark passed I kind of gave up on the thought that they might get it.  This morning I noticed a weird red, but small "blister" in Mia's diaper area and another on her head.  I shrugged it off.  Then, the next time I changed her there were 2-3 in her diaper.  Then one on her belly, one or two on her back, more in her hair.  And so the day went.  
I consulted my sister and my dear friend, Steph, and both agreed that it's very likely the pox.
It's so hard to tell they are on her head unless you are just right up against her.  Her head is probably the 2nd most affected area right now.
She's still not "poxed out" like the classic pictures you see of children with hundreds of spots but it does seem that every time I check there are one or two more spots.  Her diaper area is the most affected, of course.
This was her this afternoon when I decided I'd better really check her over.  Dressy off..."Mia, do you have chicken pox?"
"You're so silly mom!"

Thus far, she's basically her normal, cheery, sweet Mia self.  A bit more tired than the norm, with two very long naps today, but not really fussy or grumpy about much.
We gave her an oatmeal bath tonight to soothe her skin - fussy or not I'm sure it's itchy feeling.

My big kids are more bummed and upset than Ameliya.  They had to miss singing at the Nursing Home with the J.A.M. kids tonight because they might be contagious.  So many tears.  Natalee is adamant she's NOT getting spots.  We shall see if the power of positive thinking works for her!

1 comment:

Shonya said...

Chicken pox is one of those things which, in theory, I would like my kiddos to get and "get it over with". In actuality, however, it never seems to be a convenient time.

Have fun at the pox party! :)