Sunday, March 16, 2014

Another Sunday in Paradise

My, am I enjoying our study through Philippians at church right now!  It's refreshing, encouraging, and seems to fit into our current season of life.

This morning Xavier asked me to wear a dress and he'd wear a tie and "I'll be your prince, Mom."  Be still my heart, sweetie pie.
He makes a pretty dapper prince, if I do say so myself.

After assessing the situation, Natalee quickly went to her daddy and asked him to be her prince for the morning.  She sure is looking grown up lately.

A bonus shot of me and my mini me...
poor thing can't deny who she belongs to, can she?  

After several days in a row of 60* weather, we got another 3" of snow last night.  It's hard not to lament and to find our joy.  I find mine here - in these faces - in the life growing inside me - and in the Gospel message of Jesus Christ.  So grateful for what we've been entrusted with here on this earth.

1 comment:

Shonya said...

This post brought tears to my eyes--how very blessed you are indeed!