Sunday, March 16, 2014

{Art Work}

More art work from the children....

 Xavier's motorcycles are getting more detailed. :)

 Baby Weston, by Natalee

 A fire station (Natalee)

 Daddy drew Xavier a car at his request.

 This one and the one below are both pictures of Natalee and Mommy.  Notice how Mommy has gotten bigger in the bottom pic.  ;)

 Drawing trees is a new love of Natalee's...

 A happy talking cloud (Natalee)

 A rainbow (Xavier)

 A race car daddy drew for Natalee - she put #95 on it for Lightening McQueen!

 Natalee was playing "teacher" and drew this check list of things for her students to do!

A tree with a bunny under it.  (Natalee)  Someone is ready for spring!

1 comment:

Shonya said...

They are PROLIFIC artists! wow!

And the checklist made me chuckle--too funny!