Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Big Kid Update

We had a quick jaunt to "the big city" yesterday to check up on Natalee's ear.  About a month ago she had an eardrum rupture.  We were blessed to have my BFF and local nurse practitioner, Steph, walk that journey with us, complete with house calls to check up on Miss N and make sure the ear was clearing.  
(things came out of that ear that I don't ever care to deal with again...grossness)

Yesterday's appointment was an audiology screening and ENT check to make sure everything was healing properly.  She passed the audiology test with flying colors (listening is a different story - ha!) and the ENT confirmed that the hole was completely closed, fluid gone, tympanic membrane fully functional, some other fancy other words completely healed up with no permanent hearing loss.  We give praise to Jesus for this...this is not the first time He has healed Natalee's ear (previous infections, rupture, 2 sets of bilateral's been a wild ride!).
Waiting for our dear Dr. Campbell...beloved ENT!

Grandma Num accompanied us to the big city yesterday as no one thought it wise to send a 39 week pregnant gal alone with two kids.  We had a fun day with her - it's always a treat to have an appt. go terrifically and get to enjoy each other a bit!  We ran to Target (this gal had no desire to walk the mall!) for a few specific things.  One of them was a "big boy" booster seat for the soon to be big brother.  Xavier was still using the convertible car seat - while he was still within the weight limits for it he wasn't as comfy in it because he's GROWING so Dad and I decided it was time for him to move up to a bigger seat (Natalee moved at 3 because Xavier needed the car seat she was in...he's 3 3/4 so it was time for him!).  Though there was really only one seat that met my brand and price guidelines in the store he still felt like he was a part of the "choosing" process and is very pleased with his new big boy seat.
His favorite, FAVORITE part of the whole seat is that it has cup holders!  It sat in the living room last night and he tried them out.

Backing up a couple days...on Sunday night the kids got to go spend the night with Aunt Lauren and Uncle Lance.  This was a huge treat and helped ease the ache of no daycare friends coming on Monday morning.  I had a dr. appt. in the same town Lauren lives in on Monday morning so it worked out great for me to pick them up.  They had a big time and have told me lots of tales about their adventures.

The children eagerly await the arrival of Baby #3.  We're all trying to be patient.  We pass the time doing things like this

Today is our first day without daycare friends that we are home (baby appt Monday, ENT Tuesday).  It's strange but terrific being alone with just the two of them.  We enjoyed a laid back morning, school with no interruptions, baked "lactation cookies" (which they sampled!) and now they are playing "Bible teacher" while I blog.  Anxious to see what our "groove" looks like but not eager to push a routine before baby comes...we ALL know it will change with a new little one.  So for now we're just enjoying our time together, finishing up loose ends of school and playing away the day!  We miss daddy and he misses us.  Anxious to get moved and be able to share lunch hours and morning times with him and have him home more in the evenings!

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