Thursday, July 2, 2020

Grade Promotion Celebration!

July 1st is grade promotion day at B.L.I.S.S. Academy.  We don't officially start school, but it is the start of our new school calendar.  In Missouri, it was day 1 of beginning our hours log.  Iowa laws are different, but we still officially roll over grades on July 1st.
We did a little "grade promotion celebration" to commemorate the excitement!
The principal ordered pizza and there was ice cream leftover from Papa Curtis's visit the day before, so we added toppings to it and had a little party.

And yes, Daddy and I did take a portion of what would have been camp fees, and bought hammocks for everyone.  Xavier got one for his birthday - Natalee had one - so we ordered the little two one and I got one for Daddy.  They spend a ton of time in them - money well spent!
This is our outdoor "classroom." 

Our beautiful, perseverant 6th grader!

Our handsome, helpful 5th grader!

Our sassy, lovely 1st grader!
And Ruby....Mia, Ruby's ears are covering your face....

Our ornery, so funny kindergartener!
"Mom, take my picture with Ruby, too!"

My stud-muffin of a principal, with who is sure to be our largest classroom disruption this year.  LOL

They downed two large pizzas and moved on to ice cream!

There is a lot of excitement about this school year, and they often ask when we can start.  I think they (me?) need a little bit more summer, but we will do a small bird unit soon, and then start our official school later this fall.  Last year we started very late due to a move and a baby and we had to buckle down and do school 5 days a week, with no extended breaks in the school year.  I am excited to go back to 4 full days of school with the 5th day for fine arts and fun school, and a couple of week long breaks sprinkled within the year.

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