Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Evalynn Nancy is 11 Months Old!

Our precious Evie is 11 months old.  She is such a whiz and so fun to watch grow up.  We all adore her so much.
She claps!  Yay for 11 months!
Evalynn started take steps about a week ago and now she's practically running.  She's such a determined little sass.
Evalynn loves exploring, playing outside, taking walks and bike rides, and being with her people. 
She knows what the lion says and the elephant and sometimes the monkey.  She likes to mimic the animals in our Noisy Zoo book.
Evalynn loves Ruby kitty and playing in the water.  She doesn't love no-no's or being alone!  She's brave and falls a lot as a result, but doesn't stay down too long.
One more month until 1 year, little sister.  Life with you is such an adventure!

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