Monday, June 29, 2020

10 Months Old {Evie Lynn is SO Big}

We love our precious Evalynn Nancy.
I cannot believe in 2 short months she'll be 1.  Time is absolutely fleeting.
Evalynn has 3 teeth and another breaking through any day.  She stands and has taken a step to daddy.  She can even stand up in the middle of the room without holding on to anything. 
Evie is a bright light to our family.  Kind of like a sweet package of dynamite.  With beautiful blue eyes.
Evalynn has started climbing things and can *almost* get on the couch.  {send help}  
Yesterday, I watched her climb over a laundry basket just for the sheer joy of falling off the other side.
Her hair *is* growing, but not very generously.
This peaches eats like a teenager who lifts weights twice a day.  Somedays I feel like all she does between morning and afternoon nap is eat....nurse, eat lunch, take a bottle, have snacks.  She is a foodie!
We love you Evalynn.  We are so thankful for your ornery self.

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