Saturday, June 27, 2020

Week in the Life {First Step!, Anniversary, Birthday VBS}

This weekly review seems light but that's because it has two trail posts embedded within it.

Sunday, June 21st
We spent the day resting and recovering after a hard day at Betty's funeral the day before.
It was Father's Day and I admittedly did not remember Sunday morning and Mike let me sleep in instead of waking me up.  Talk about feeling guilty.  I did treat him to supper later that night!
Movies and lounging...
New Legos from Kea and Miguel for his birthday!
I tried to get ahead for the week with a double batch of healthy protein balls and a quadruple batch of muffins.  Getting ahead is hard with this little taste tester around.  Between the 4 kids they emptied half that container - oh well, just a little less for the freezer.

Monday, June 22nd
After a pretty laid back day at home, we kicked off our VBS Monday evening.  The kids were so excited each night.

Read all about our at home VBS HERE.

Tuesday June 23rd
Another quiet day and fun VBS night!

Wednesday, June 24th
Good morning, beautiful!

We suspended VBS for a night to celebrate Xavier's birthday.

Thursday, June 25th
Happy 15th anniversary to Mike and me!  Not a picture of us to prove it, but we look tired, with a little more wisdom in our eyes, than 15 years ago.
Zayden has been inviting me to play games during Evie's nap times.  Three rounds of Trouble!
Mike treated us to supper and we all enjoyed it before night 3 of VBS!

Friday June 26th
Xavier got a birthday present in the mail.  KC Chiefs gear!  He's ready for some football.  Thanks Lance and Lauren (but Xavier would say mostly Uncle Lance on this one).

Zayden and I played Bed Bugs and Flip Flop Faces while the other three kids played farm for hours.
This beautiful girl is so ornery.
When you need fun mixed with a little bit of trouble, find Zayden - he's your guy.  She crawled right under that upside puppy - only mom can see that if he topples it he'll smoosh her.
Friday brought a pretty laid back easy night of VBS.

Saturday, June 27th
The kids slept in and then watched their Saturday cartoons before having some brunch. 
Mike and I worked on pruning some trees in the backyard, and then re-hung the big kids' hammocks.
And then I ordered two more hammocks.  Because....
The air was thick and warm, so they older 4 got into the pool and Evie played on her water mat after she woke up from morning nap.  Mike caught this picture of her drink from one of the fountains.  Ha.
Grammy and Papa came up for a visit and brought Xavier a birthday present.
If there's anything the pandemic has taught us, it's to appreciate the beauty of visiting in the backyard with the people you love.
Xavier got a fun camera - kind of like a GoPro is the best way I can describe it, that mounts to his bike, helmet, etc, and takes videos and pictures.  We have some learning to do but he played with it a lot and really enjoys it.  Thanks Aunt Kea, for sending the SD mini card for it, too!
I made pizza for lupper, and then we had our last night of VBS.
We got all the big kids to bed, but Evie was a maniac and stayed up too late being too cute. 
she also took her first tiny step.  I've been watching, anticipating she was ready, and I caught it...

She acted like a goon until I finally told Mike to just pop her in bed because she'd surely fall asleep, and she did, not a peep.

This week was a growing week for our hearts as we soaked in our VBS lessons.  Some moments during the day were "boring" for me, because I don't have school to teach and the kids play so well for the most part.  I finally ordered myself some new books and am anxiously awaiting their arrival to hopefully help me pass some time.  One can only do so much laundry, right?

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