Sunday, May 24th
Another day of worship spent at home. We did church at home with a couple of patched together services online, and then just enjoyed the day together.
Zayden built a pretty great dragon.
We got Ruby this new toy and she hard core loves it!
Bedtime stories with Daddy.
Zayden wearing "just undies" like his buddy Theo.
And yes, I did order him larger ones after I realized these were on the small side.
Monday, May 25th
Memorial Day meant that Daddy had another day off.
A cardinal and a blue jay greeted the day with us!
We started the day with some school while Daddy mowed the grass.
The noise was bother Zayden so he put on headphones. We really need to snag a pair of noise canceling head phones for him.
Mia decided that she wanted to make a perler bead American flag, and the rest of the kids joined in with red, white, and blue creations.
And yes, I did ask them to dress Americana. Why not?We did part of our school and scrapped the rest for a day of fun. I put the water table in Ev's pen and she enjoyed that for quite awhile.
We attempted to set up a pool, but it had more leakage than we anticipated. It was an older one, so we knew it was a 50/50 shot. Mia and Zayden played in the water that was in there and we're on to plan B for summer water play (and we set up the sprinkler that day, instead!).
These two read under the tree like old people. 😉
Giving Ruby some play time!
We had a good old 'Merica cook out and grilled burgers, hot dogs, and brats and had chip/dip, and fresh fruits and veggies for supper.
I love cole slaw, but I'm the only one, so Mike grabbed me some through the Maid Rite drive through, since I have to eat it sparingly (nursing). So delicious. Evie liked it, too.
I also made an apple pie and a chocolate pudding pie. Mia doesn't care for pie crust so I saved her out a dish of pudding so she'd have dessert.
Tuesday, May 26th
Good Morning!
We did school as usual with a day that alternated rain storms and sunshine. Our air quit so we were struggling inside a hot house.
These two want to get each other constantly.
Up from happy nap! Teeth pictures make me happy.The storms did send a rainbow!
We literally stayed outside until time for showers and bed because it was a good 15 degrees cooler outdoors than in.
Our friend cardinal did come to sing to us.
Wednesday, May 28th
We did school as usual in the morning.
The kids listened to the audio book of The Hiding Place,
while I worked with the younger two.
Zayden was working hard on his space book because we spent most of the afternoon watching the Dragon/Falcon 9 space launch that was scrubbed at T-15. That was a bummer, but a good convo about safety for the astronauts.
Ready for naps when she's pulling on her ears!
Thursday, May 28th
Another rainy day - that was the theme of the week.
Natalee organized a game for the younger two, while I was nursing Evie and getting her down for morning nap.
And Natalee needed her handlebars turned around! My dad installed them backwards when he bought her the bike, so that she could reach them. She has gotten so much enjoyment out of this bike. We are continually so thankful for it.
Friday, May 29th
Our sweet Evalynn Nancy turned 9 months old. It's been 80+ days since she's been held, loved, or kissed by anyone besides us. It breaks my heart that her first year is passing by this way.
Ev repeated a couple of words while she and I were playing together...
She said "go" right after I clapped my hands and said, "go," and then she said "boom" several times when the blocks fell. She's such a smart dolly.
The weather finally started cooling down and we enjoyed a nice long walk around the neighborhood.
Natalee completed her summer challenge (in 2 days) and earned her ice cream treat.
She and I drove "cruised" around while she ate her ice cream and then called Grandma Num to chat.
Saturday, May 30th
We kicked around and my crew played and worked outside most of the morning after cartoons. This eyes shining!
At 2:00 we all came in and popped popcorn and watched the Space X launch. It was every bit as awesome as we anticipated! How handy that it has lined up with us learning about the first Americans in space in our American History unit.
Then, late afternoon, I drove and met a friend, literally in the parking lot of a business, and we talked for SIX+ hours, sitting in chairs we'd brought. We both grabbed our own fast food and it was such a blessing to get some face to face time. Next time, I shall take a selfie of us, Chelsie!
We talked so late that the security guard came and checked on us. He was sweet, and young, and probably thought how lame that his only two disturbances were middle age women who weren't even drinking.It was the perfect end to a long quarantined week.
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