Sunday, March 29, 2020

Our Ameliya is SIX!

Oh sweet Mia, how happy we are to celebrate your sixth birthday with you!

One present from mom and dad before breakfast.
Then she FaceTimed Grammy and Papa and opened the presents they sent.  The connection wasn't great because of the wind, but we tried!  It was sure good to see them, though, even if we kept freezing.

Ameliya chose "sweets" and bacon for breakfast.  Sweet rolls and monkey bread.
I had stashed away the orange juice from our grocery order so it would be a special treat for her birthday.  OJ is a fav of Mia's.
Then we tidied, got dressed, brushed teeth and opened the rest of her presents from the family.
Xavier made her a necklace and bracelet and a heart man.  I liked his card, too.
The hot air balloon basket is a present.

A two wheeled scooter!!
She was pretty sure she knew what was in that package!

Calico Critters...

A Caboodle like big sister's!

Disney Princess storybook Legos - these were a fun new find!

I see in her pictures today, little glimpses of big girlishness slipping in and the last of her babyness fading. 

Of course, after presents it was time to play, play, play.
The kids attempted to ride scooters and not get blown away in the wind but it was a challenge.

Throughout the day Mia got so many birthday wishes from friends and loved ones.  Isn't she such a blessed girl?
I didn't capture them all, but I tried to get a few!

She's showing off her necklace and clip on dangly earrings from Kea and Miguel.

While the kids played, mom slaved in the kitchen.

Mia requested "Grandma Betty's chocolate frosted brownies" for her dessert.  Gee, baby, no pressure.  With an assist from Aunt Penny, Mia declared mama's just as yummy!

She also wanted a "pizza party."  I did my best to deliver it "party style" even though we couldn't go out and no one could come in.  
Plenty for leftovers at least once this week.  Mama says "yay!"  I made 5 pizzas and 2 pans of breadsticks.
I was also able to secure Mia's favorite chips and had them hidden away for today, as well as some stevia sweetened lemonade.  We had this meal at around 3 and had fresh fruits and veggies to go with it.  Everyone ate their fill and I loved that it was a combo lunch/supper.

We let our full bellies settle a little before dessert, and played a bit.
Organizing her caboodle.  Such sweet girly memories in a caboodle.

Cake and ice cream time!  We ordered chocolate ice cream and vanilla ice cream and our chocolate got subbed for chocolate chip, but Mia was satisfied with the vanilla and some chocolate syrup.
"As good as Grandma Betty's, mom!"
Mia took a long bath with her color changing unicorn from Grammy and Papa and then Papa Curtis and Grandma Num FaceTimed with her.  She drug them all over the house showing her new things.

Daddy took everyone for a scooter ride before dark so she could really try out the new scooter. 
And then, because she's Mia, a PB&J before bed because that's still one of her favorites.
She's been working on her fish lips.
One final video chat with our Snider friends before bed rounded out a big birthday!

We love you so much, Mia.  It wasn't fair that you didn't get to celebrate your day how we planned, surrounded by friends and family, but you were a very mature big girl about the disappointments and handled them very well.  We hope you always feel as special and loved as you deserve!

Evalynn is 7 Months!

Our sweet Evie is 7 months old.
The expression in this photo most assuredly describes Evie's demeanor.  Dominant.  Loud.  A force.  And so precious.
I could have edited out the bruise on her head but it also describes Evalynn's personality.  She's pulling up and letting go and she crawls over and around and gets into everything.  She's a bruiser.
Isn't she precious, though?
She's got her 2nd tooth almost through so there are a few less than precious moments around here this week, but she's still our little sweetheart.
She's getting new facial expressions.  They are to die for ornery.
Evalynn's tender life is being touched by a global pandemic and we are trying not to lament the memories she isn't getting to make with those we love outside of this house.   
She is loved, here and by others in our lives, and we are thankful that we can feel that love across the miles. 

Saturday, March 28, 2020

A Week in the Life {CP Awareness, Isolation Hair Cuts, Sunshine, Whistlin!}

Monday, March 23rd
Mike worked 2 days of evening shift this week, so was home until noon on Monday and Tuesday.  We started a Psalm 91 study (linked and free through May 2020) with Natalee and Xavier and are working on memorizing the psalm as a family.  We also started again, with a vigor, our Bible journaling with all the kids using the Egermeier Bible stories.  As we walk through times of uncertainty and frustration and isolation we all need to have our feet firmly planted and our hearts turned to Christ.
We scheduled a full week of school but reworked our daily rhythm.  We are striving for breakfast, morning chores, yoga or exercise, Bible study, and then starting our school day.
Mia got to start a writing prompt journal this week and it's her new favorite thing. I love phonemic spelling.

Tuesday, March 24th
This little mini got told no no.  Wah.
The weather was lovely so I served supper outside.
Nighttime read aloud time...

Wednesday, March 25th
Happy Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day to our Natalee.
Yoga time!
As you can tell from the amount of pictures, the little ones sit at the table with me, and the older two do their independent school in the living room or their bedrooms and come to me when they need me.
It was another decent day outside so we got out the ninja/slack line and spent some time in the sunshine!
After supper we took a long walk.
Mia got birthday mail from Grandma Num and Papa!
(Excuse her puffy lip and nose - skateboard wreck.)
She asked to FaceTime the grandparents to thank them and everyone enjoyed chatting.  Man, it was good to "see" them.
Evie put on a good show for them when it was her turn to talk.

Thursday, March 26th
Thursdays are "syrup day" for breakfast here - protein pancakes, french toast, waffles, etc.  I made Ev baby pancakes from 2 eggs and 1 banana pureed together and cooked.  She liked them very much!  She likes most things (except applesauce!).
I washed her new clothes from Grandma and Papa last night so she could wear them.
Natalee helping Xavier with a math problem.
Zayden had to do a backyard  walk for his school so he and I headed out to see what we could find.
We found 3 different types of leaves just in our yard.  And a stick.  Because he's a boy.
Tracing his items into his book.

Mia is drawing a picture that she can incorporate some of her new stickers into.
Bravo, Mia!
Evie has successfully mastered the class of naps in her bed!  Yahoo, Ev!
A new Lego magazine came yesterday, so every break or spare minute he could find, sent Xavier into a building frenzy.
A tool bench!
Evalynn got her first taste of steak.  Listen to her.  Mmmmmmmmm.  Thanks, Papa!

Isolation hair cuts for the boys.  We've done home hair cuts in the past, for scheduling and financial reasons, and they aren't our favorite, but the boys were getting pretty shaggy, so we charged the clippers and Daddy shaped them up.

Friday, March 27th
It was another gray day, but after breakfast, it happened to not be raining, so I sent the kids to the trampoline for an early recess. I thought on the trampoline they would remain dry.  I was wrong.  They all needed dry clothes when they came in, and were hungry again, but it was still worth it.  They had fruit while we dug into our morning Bible study. 
This cuteness.  She licked my lips when I was talking to her.  Breaking so many pandemic rules.
A new trick!
Working some math with this beauty.
Xavier was restless so I taught him to make mug cakes and let him treat everyone.  He's missing sports and the Y so very much.
Naptime interrupted.
Mike came home from work and offered to take the kids on a bike ride while I got a few minutes peace.  Evie got her first bike trailer ride.  Her lips are puckered mid whistle.
We ended Friday with leftovers!

Saturday, March 28th
The day started with thunderstorms but midday it cleared off and we got SUNSHINE!  
I coordinated a Wal-Mart and Hy-Vee pick up for the same hour.  I'm getting good.  LOL
Birthday mail for Mia!  Thanks, Shayna.
It reached 75 degrees here after lunch and we stayed outside the entire rest of the day, even despite the wind.
We raked leaves, washed concrete (wished we had a power washer!), organized, did laundry, cleaned house, and worked ourselves silly.  Some of us worked harder than others...
Warm enough for popsicles!  Evie tried one and loved it.  She was sticky, her stroller got a wash, and her clothes had to be stripped.
She got to try out some shorts!
We ended the day with grilled hamburgers and tired bodies.
Ev said no to the avocado/banana I made her and yes to the grilled potatoes.
Everyone needed showers tonight, which was a welcome change from just taking them because it's our nighttime routine.

All in all it was a fine week.  If we don't dwell too much on what we're missing and the scary stuff, and just focus on us here and what we can do for our day, we get along okay.  Occasionally moments are hard, but compared to some of the stuff others are going through, the Beelers are doing just fine.