Sunday, February 9, 2020

No Cry Sleep Training

Last week I kind of hit my limit with the baby who wouldn't sleep.  She's beautiful and adorable and we love her but not only would she not sleep in a bed but she wouldn't even be still to be rocked to sleep really.  I don't have the heart for crying it out, so I started the no cry sleep method.  I take her into her room and sit beside her as she falls asleep.  She fusses a little and I stroke her head if she needs it but I don't pick her up.  Once she falls asleep she's been napping great in her bed for 1 1/2 -2 hours at a time.  It's helped a lot with the insanity of schooling hours and me trying to be it for so many children on so many levels at once.

You can tell how proud of her I am, because I have no less than a dozen pictures of her sleeping in her bed this week.
Beautiful baby.  Waking up so happy and proud of herself.
During her wake hours she practiced getting on all fours!
Feel asleep holding my finger but stayed asleep when I left!
We had a few grumpy moments throughout the week but we survived.
One day I had a fierce flashback and went looking through pictures.  I finally found what I was looking for.
Natalee, 2009...
Evalynn, 2020
Different, but so much the same.
Better than diamonds or pearls around my neck, the arms of my children...
She scooted herself into a corner.  Trouble maker...
The only nap I held her for all week!

We love this little Nancy Pants.
She loves this new swaddle method from Taking Cara Babies.

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