Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Growing TOO Fast {Evie Nance}

Little Evie Nance has on her growing pants these days.
Everyday she does something new and she thinks she's much bigger than her 5 1/2 months.

She is so very interested in food and will try anything.  When we eat in front of her she almost begs.  She still nurses every 2-4 hours, and I'm in no hurry to rush her growing up, although she seems to be in a huge rush.
peas and carrots
colored peppers
she really likes strawberries...
milk pops

Ev has just in the last couple days starting chattering and it's quite possibly the cutest thing ever.
Her voice is so precious.  She *almost* says dada.

Speaking of Dada, she sure loves that guy.
She looks for him anytime the door opens and greets him with big smiles and arms out.

She likes the rest of us okay, too.

On the sleeping front, it's two steps forward, one step back.  We were doing well
but then we had to stop swaddling her because she started rolling in her bed.  It was like starting all over again.
We keep working, because mama and daddy need sleep.
Yesterday, in desperation, I put her crib into a side-car (pics taken before Mike strapped it to our bed - promise it's secure).  Last night was okay and naps were decent.
Anytime I get frustrated I remind myself we're still getting to know each other and she's doing SO much growing and learning everyday.  Have you ever, that you remember, learned to eat, talk, crawl, walk, and live amongst people in a year's time?  I try to extend her patience and as much grace as I can find,while helping her learn these new skills..
And when we just can't win any other way, we do this.  These days won't last forever.  I successfully have 4 other kids that sleep all night in their own beds every night - surely I can't mess this kid up too much, right?
Her lashes are also growing, and so is her hair (although you'll laugh, mom notices).

She's up on all fours, rocking, rolling, and scooching like an inchworm.  She's the busiest 5 1/2 month old we've raised.
Busy indeed.
She absolutely beams at the other children and seems to enjoy her days here at the very busy, slightly chaotic, but full of love BLISS Academy.
We love you, baby.

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