Sunday, February 23, 2020

It's a Good Thing She's Cute {wink}

Oh Evalynn....
Growing and teething and learning new things
It's been a hard week, darling.  You've been discontent and grumpy but then you sprinkle in a smile and laugh and we forget about all the sleepless nights.  Almost.  Sleepless indeed.
We've done a lot of water time {baths without soap} because you are happy there in the water.  Big tub, tummy tub, anything will do.  You aren't choosy.
Even your hair is growing this week.
We're doing a lot of not sleeping with just enough sleeping in the midst to keep us from going crazy.
You tend to fall asleep for a decent two about 7 a.m. when Mama has to get up. 
Oh honey, we love ya, but it's a lot easier when we sleep at night.
You do love the new food strainer Mama got you.  You'll try anything I put in it, but you seem to like cold blueberries the best.  The cold feels good on your swollen gums, I'm sure.
{on Amazon - the Boon Pulp}
Don't be in such a hurry to grow up, Evalynn.  Let yourself take breaks and rest.  Little girls grow best when they sleep.

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