Sunday, February 9, 2020

Happy 71st Birthday, Papa George!

On Friday Papa George turned 71!  Kea and Miguel and the girls came up and we drove down to all meet together to celebrate on Saturday!  Sara made a delicious meal and we all ate too much, topping off with cake and ice cream.  Papa had plenty of helpers blowing out his candles.
Taking a group picture is always a trip.
This little niece - loves food, life, and this weekend she particularly loved Uncle Mike.
The children played while we visited and enjoyed the evening together.
The kids drew cards for Papa.  Natalee's particularly made me smile....if you look you'll see that there is a little fairy painting each stripe of the rainbow....
Xavier drew Papa a red truck!

We spent the night at Papa Curtis's and Grandma Num's Saturday and worshiped with our LCC family Sunday morning.  We had a delicious Sunday lunch at Papa Curtis's and Grandma Num's house after church and got to see everyone from my side of the family.  That's right - all our family - both sides - in one weekend.  Our tanks are full up and ready for a new week after getting to see every single person in our immediate families within 24 hours.
I took zero pictures Sunday except for of the braid Nannie put in Natalee's hair.
Natalee wishes her mom could do that.
We are tired but it was the best kind of weekend and we are so thankful for it.

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