Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Xavier Turns 9

Our big guy turned 9!
We had a baseball game on Xavier's birthday and treated his team to cookies and juice pouches after. 
 After we cleaned up, we had to have birthday treats with daddy.
His favorite birthday treat - cinnamon rolls and cream cheese icing.
I could do a prettier job with my icing but I did make them homemade - I get points for that, right?
Xavier is growing more responsible everyday and loves to help, especially if he can help his dad.  He loves to know how things works and believes he can fix almost anything.
He has a tender heart that loves hard and dreams big.  He loves family time and wants us all to be together as much as possible.

Happy birthday, Xavier.  We love you and we're so thankful for you.

Bonus - birthday at Grandma Num and Papa's.

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