Monday, June 17, 2019

Baby 5 {Strawberry Baby}

Baby 5 is a mover and a shaker.  She's a strong little nugget and spends her days (while I'm working or on my feet) snoozing and her evenings and nights (while I'm trying to rest) rolling around, kicking, and being a pistol.  If I am still, she is not.  This bodes well for me when she joins life on the outside, huh?

I haven't had any major cravings these latter weeks of pregnancy but it is fresh garden strawberry season, so baby and I have been enjoying strawberries in everything. 
Dairy free (almond milk) yogurt, granola, and strawberries...
Oatmeal, almond milk, and strawberries...
Maybe this dolly will come out with red hair on account of all the strawberries. 😉  
{And tonight it is a strawberry moon.}

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