Sunday, April 21, 2019

Impromptu Field Trip

On Wednesday, my friend, Dana, text me and said that the power company was hanging new electric lines right outside her house with a helicopter and, even though she was at work, that we could go hang out in her yard and watch.

After the boys' hair cuts we ran out there.  I hadn't told the kids what we were going to see because it was really windy and I thought maybe they wouldn't be working because of the wind, but as we neared her house the helicopter cut right in front of us and we followed it to their work site.
The kids ran from the "big rock" to the porch to the trampoline and all around following that helicopter as it zipped to and from.  We got to see it land and take off 4-5 times, which they loved.
Thank you, Dana, for loving us and for letting us know about such a fun (and easy) opportunity!  Mom's favorite kind!

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