Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday was really calm since we did Easter bucket celebrations on Saturday morning.
Mike was playing for both worship services so the kids and I got ready and headed in to join him for breakfast between services.

Our oldest darling got in the van and when I walked out I realized she'd put on a little make-up before we left.  I started to protest and then noticed that she looked lovely and had done a good job.  So as we say in 2019...lipstick on point.  Growing up...
And that dress....with those glasses....

Mr. Almost Too Cool for Pictures But Scared to Disobey Mommy (wink)
He's a good sport.

 I know people are tired of hearing this but this girl...from last year to this year.  Forever thankful.

 I don't know what to do with this one...

After breakfast and worship we went to Mike's family's Easter celebration.
I did a poor job taking candid photos at the egg hunt and stuff - wind and counting eggs got me overwhelmed - ha - but we did get a good family picture!
 We were missing one great grandkid so we did a Beeler/Paredes picture with Great Grandma Betty.

{Edited - Kea had pictures of my girls!}

We egg hunted at Aunt Penny's, then egg hunted at Aunt Marcia's, and as I type the kids are sorting "loot" and my floor is covered and it's the sweetest kind of mess because I reminded how many people choose to love our children.  As we grow in number and in noise and in chaos the choice to love us is all the sweeter and doesn't go unnoticed.  (#alltherunonsentences)

(Natalee updated our sign...)

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