Thursday, April 4, 2019

Eric Ode Author Meet & Greet

We had the opportunity to go to a neighboring community's library and meet author Eric Ode.  Mr. Ode happens to be one of our Usborne/Kane Miller authors so we were quite excited about this event. 
Zayden fell in love with Dan, the Taxi Man and we read it many many times leading up to today.  Zayden read it over and over in the van on the way to the library, and I think he's just too cute. 

Getting our books signed!!

Mr. Ode put on such a great show.  It was very evident he was a school teacher, because he kept the kids quite engaged.  All 3 of our older children enjoyed it, but I was in awe of how Zayden Sam just ate up the songs and stories and actions.

A simply great morning!  Thank you, Mr. Ode.  You've inspired the storyteller in the little hearts of my children (and their mother!).

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