Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easter Morning 2019

Mike was playing guitar for both services at worship on Easter morning, so we decided to do "Easter buckets" on Saturday morning instead of Sunday.  The rush of bucket goodies and getting 4 kids and myself ready for service alone on Sunday was not at all appealing to me. 

A couple of weeks ago the kids' trampoline broke.  We've gotten 7 years of HARD mileage out of it, including 3 years of daycare, never taking it down for winter, weather, or the like, so we feel like we got our money out of it and we gifted the kids a new one Saturday.  Zayden was especially appreciative - he missed the old one dearly.

Books in the big kids' buckets - puzzles for the little 2.

Outside to check out the pod chair and wish someone had magically assembled the trampoline overnight.  Ha.  Eating nutty buddies for breakfast because....oh well.
Papa Phil and Miguel came over and helped Daddy get most of the trampoline done before we headed out for the day.  Thanks, guys!
It was a good morning.  The kids were surprised because they weren't expecting anything and we had time to enjoy things without a flurry of activity to get ready for church.  Easter bucket Saturday might become a thing for the Beelers.

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