Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The Cousins Meet Isa

It was high time for us to slip down and introduce our children to their new baby cousin, Isa, and that's just what we did on Saturday.
The were all eager to hold her and took their sweet turns after they washed their hands.  She is such a precious dolly.
Gigi and Mike stole a turn, too.

Mike and I got AJ (and Isa - ha) a mini trampoline for their basement for Christmas.  We decided it would be way more exciting for us to take it along rather than for AJ to open it here and not get to use it.  We were right (wink).  She was very excited, and surely Isa will be, too, before we're ready for her to be that old!
Her sweet excited face!  Uncle Mike put it together for her that very afternoon so she could try it out!

My mom ended up being in Columbia the same day, Christmas shopping, so I slipped out and got some shopping done while the kids and Mike stayed to play.  While I was gone, the family treated Natalee to an ice cream birthday cake. The pictures show how excited she was!

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