Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Christmas Eve Service

Christmas Eve service has to be one of my absolute favorite services of the entire year.  There's something so precious about it's simplicity.

We arrived early to set up a photo booth for members and guests to take a picture in front of, which meant we took our picture before service while the beasts were still semi tame.
Ameliya loves the baby Jesus, and the nativities more than her heart can express.  We are so thankful for her health this year, and to see her enjoying Christmas.
The children sang their song again, and it was, once again, beautiful.  Perhaps even more precious in the dim lights and peaceful crowd.
The service consisted of readings, special music, a short message, congregational traditional songs, and, of course, lighted candles.  In years past we'd switched to electric candles, and it's just not the same.  This year the pastors went back to real tapers and it was absolutely beautiful.
It's terrifying and beautiful to give a child a lighted taper.
But seriously, his little face...
Sitting in church, surrounded by many of the friends and family who have, quite literally, held us up this year, humbled my heart and filled me with such gratitude.
This service readied our hearts to come home and read our Jesse Tree story...
We don't overemphasize Santa, but we do let the kids put out cookies and reindeer food and Ameliya hung the Santa key.
And then, it was sleepy time...

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