Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Christmas at Papa George's and Grammy Sara's

We did Christmas with Mike's side of the family on Christmas Eve.  We started with a delicious brunch and then dove into presents, of course,  They've *almost* outnumbered us!

We simplified Christmas this year a bit.  I felt a lot less stress and it felt nice.  Sara had Kea and I help with the kids' shopping and, thanks to Amazon Prime, it was easy!
A climbing dome to share!  I'm SO excited about this.  The forecast shows 40 degrees and no rain Sunday/Monday of this upcoming week, so hopefully Mike can get it assembled before he goes back to work.
All four of our children received binoculars and pocket microscopes for nature walks!  I'm super excited about these as I've pledged to do so much better with nature walks, especially this spring.
Xavier said, "Oh, I wish we'd had these when we went to Joslynn's grandma and grandpa's!"
(In case you are wondering, we ordered THESE BINOCULARS and THESE POCKET MICROSCOPES).  AJ got binoculars, too, because everyone needs to do some tom-peeping.  He he he.  She also got an Elena sword she desperately wanted!
Our "big" gift to AJ and Isa was the trampoline we took when we went to their house a few weeks ago.  We did have a couple of small things for them to open, though, because {Christmas}.
AJ's favorite was the Wonder Woman pillow we happened to find at Menard's of all places.

In no particular order....

A beautiful necklace for the diva.
Squigz for the whole family!
Usborne for beautiful Isa.
Texas Longhorn shades for Miguel.  I'm going to need a new idea next year Miguel...Amazon and I have about exhausted the TX gear!
Rescue Bot for our big boy!
"Look, brother!"
Scrambled States of America game for Natalee.
Fishing game for Mia (and Zayden!).
I think I was opening a new shirt and a book.  I look excited, whichever it was! :D
A Transformer for Xabe!
If you look in the back you'll see me looking at Natalee's skin with the pocket microscope.

After we opened presents some of us (ahem) took a snooze.
Then we loved up on each other, played games, and had an early supper.
Natalee is obsessed with Apples to Apples.
After supper we got ready for Christmas Eve Service at church.  One last sweet memory of Christmas at Grammy and Papa's...

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