Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Sunday Before Christmas (Christmas Eve Eve)

The children were asked to sing with a group for a Christmas special on the Sunday before Christmas.  They practiced a few times beforehand and felt pretty prepared.
Zayden never would practice with the group and insisted he wasn't singing on stage...until it was show time. of course.
He opened his mouth zero but didn't jump in the baptistry so....... winning?
The other children did a great job.  Eventually Zayden sat down but at least he didn't interrupt!
When the song was over he did give himself a robust round of applause.

After church the older 3 and I went to my grandparents for lunch where I apparently took zero pictures.  Oops.
Mike and Zayden went to his folks' and I got this picture of two sweet little nappers....

We ended Christmas Eve Eve with a PJ play date with our sweet friends...
We were all silly and WAY too wound up when Chelsie got back to pick the girls up.  Oops again.  Blame it on the full moon.

December 23rd was a perfect mix of worship, family, and friends.  My favorite way to pass a day.

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