As always, Natalee rose first on Sunday - it was just an added bonus that it was her birthday so she got a few minutes alone with mom and dad. I was in the kitchen making her requested breakfast of protein pancakes with sausage and bacon. Soon enough the kids were up and she was ready to open presents. At first she said she'd save a couple for after church, but that didn't last long. She opened them all. Ha.
Her reaction to this gift cracks me up. This box contained all the items she had chosen herself when we shopped at Target after her neurology appointment. She's good at her surprise face!
Natalee initially asked for an iPod for her birthday. We kind of guided that into an iPad because she doesn't love ear phones/buds so an iPod would have not served her well, we didn't think. Then she changed her mind completely and said she just wanted clothes (she's been doing a lot of growing). I think she was really surprised and pleased to receive a new to her iPad. We told her if she doesn't get one as a gift, she has to order a new Survivor all terrain case for it - that's been a life saver for mine!
We are still learning how to set boundaries for screen time, but truthfully she is our one child who is pretty good at regulating herself.
After gifts and breakfast, we went to worship. Church is one of Natalee's favorite places so it's always most exciting to her when her birthday falls on Sunday.
After church, she chose fish sticks and fries for her birthday lunch. Daddy played LIFE with the big kids while the little ones rested, and she got some time in on her iPad.
Natalee requested fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, and green beans for supper and chocolate cake with chocolate icing so we got busy getting supper around pretty early.
With Daddy's help, she made her own birthday cake. We use the wacky cake (depression cake) recipe and cut the sugar by nearly half and always get compliments on it. You don't need all that sugar if you are going to frost it!
All homemade with dye free sprinkles!
In between supper and dessert, Daddy slammed his head on the stair rail in the playroom and I had to run to Chelsie's for a dermabond glue pen. We like to keep things exciting around the Beeler house.
Natalee, you are a blessing to us. You keep life exciting and help us to stay on schedule. You are beautiful and your mind is absolutely amazing. I have never met someone who can memorize SO much. You love the earth and the sun and being outdoors and can read anything you are given. You prefer your hair short, you LOVE being in the water because it makes your legs feel good, and you complain very little compared to the amount of pain I think you sometimes experience.
Thank you, Natalee, for teaching us that parenting is about selflessness and giving and loving others more than ourselves. It's about creativity, advocating, and pushing others to help us reach your potential.(Funny story about this outfit....when at Target she chose this dress and we even tried it on - as a dress. We got home, I washed and wrapped it, and Sunday morning she went to put it on with leggings to wear to church. We could not figure out how to get it on! Turns out it is shorts with a long skirt over it and it's make to be off the shoulder. Ha. So for church she wore a sweater over it and we just ignored the leggings/shorts, thing. I messaged my sisters and told them we are a fashion nightmare! Nonetheless, she's beautiful.)
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