Saturday, November 5, 2016

Zayden's 1 Year Pictures

Like it or not we are going to have to let our baby boy turn {ONE} this week.  I just can't believe it.  What a handsome, full of life, funny little boy.  He's so sweet and strong, so independent yet attached.  He does what he wants, in his time.  It's been hard, letting this one grow up, but it's a privilege to be a part of his journey.
 {I'm 1!}

The pictures in the leaves didn't turn like I had hoped they would - he was more interested in crawling around and taking apart the leaves than posing.
 I did get to take some pictures of him doing his bear crawl.  Forever memories.
{ hammy but cute}

 {he cracked himself up when he threw his ball - that grin}

I recommend everyone blow up 40 balloons and fill their 1 year old's crib and watch the joy.  Seriously.  He played for 30 minutes before we made him get out, supervised of course {'cuz balloons}!
I love these set ups on the web with a white crib, but we only have wood.  Cherry was in 8 years ago!
 He's cute, though.  Seriously!

I love these pictures.  What a handsome big boy!
{gappy teeth!}
He has so many expressions!
 He IS the wild {one}!

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