Monday, November 7, 2016

Our Election Lapbooks!

Just in time to remind you to {VOTE} tomorrow, here is a review of our election lapbooks.  
We worked on this in the weeks leading up to the Mock Election that I organized for our co-op.  The pieces of the lapbook we used were downloaded and printed for free from the Election lapbook from {link HERE}.
 {We always love using chalk pastels!}
I found these books particularly helpful in teaching this unit.  They were "entertaining" to the children but SO informative!  We read other books, also.

These lapbooks were a great way to organize our learning all in one place.  The kids really love to look back through their lapbooks and review what they've learned!

Don't forget - voting is our way of expressing our voice.  It's a right and a privilege that many countries don't have - get out to the polls!

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