Monday, November 7, 2016

{Be Thankful}

Years ago, I think on the radio, I heard this idea about a thankful box for the month of November.  I never followed through with it because I had this idea of how pretty I thought the box should be and how beautifully wrapped and decorated.  This year I really wanted to do the thankful box and didn't want any other excuses for not following through.  
I sliced a wide slit in the top of metal quart jar lid (with a screwdriver!), decorated it a little and voila!  Beside the quart jar is a pint jar with little slips of paper and pens in it.  We've encouraged the kids to be involved and write what they are thankful for throughout the day.  The big kids are loving it and stop several times a day to jot down a thanks and slip it in the jar.  Ameliya also sometimes brings a slip of paper to one of us and asks us to write her thanks on it.  I haven't "sneaked a peek" at any of the papers, but I do know she has one that says Minnie Mouse on it!  She says to me "give shanks, mama?"
On Thanksgiving weekend we plan to open our thankful jar and read all of our thanks!  We're all very excited!

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