Wednesday, September 14, 2016

School With Mia

Mia does not like to be left out.  Everyday she asks, "me do my school now?"  Everyday I say, "when Zayden goes to nap I'll do school with you."  She has a Kumon cutting book and a couple of $1 Target workbooks that she calls school and she LOVES her 10 minutes or so of book time.  Everyday she gets to do a cutting and then we glue it in a notebook - her "journal."  We're working on writing her name and color names and she eats up anything I feed her.  I love this age of sponge like learning!
 She's so pleased with her schoolwork everyday!
When she cuts with me we do a proper hand hold on the scissors.  When she cuts for "fun" it's a free for all.

Recently Mia and I did a Brown Bear lapbook together.  I wanted it to be durable so I laminated parts of it so she can take them out and use them over and over and over.
She loved making the colors book for her lapbook.
Mia definitely loves learning.  Besides her own "school" she also sits in on Spanish and is picking up a few things.  I love her exuberance for life!  This week we're working on a Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear lapbook.  {We have gotten all our lapbooks so far this year from}

(If anyone has suggestions for a child who repeatedly 'w' sits I'd love to hear them.  We don't allow 'w' sitting and she'll correct if I say "fix your legs" but I'd love for it to not be such a natural position that she goes to.)

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