Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Happy Birthday, Grandma Betty!

Happiest of birthdays to Great-Grandma Betty!  She turned 93 on September 12th and is still as whippy as they come. 
Grandma Betty never misses a beat.  She keeps track of birthdays, checks in when the children have been sick or she knows something is amiss in our world.  She loves us, she prays for us, and she makes each one in her presence feel precious.  
Ameliya especially loves "my Betty Betty" and the feeling seems mutual.  She'll ask to go to "my Betty Betty's" house for visits regularly.  {She's also recently found Grandma Betty's chocolate bowl and knows how to access it...}

Betty's mind is still sharp, she still lives on her own, and she takes cares to remember the details.  We had a yard sale at her house on Saturday and she took care to know that we prefer our kids to eat all beef hot dogs.  So maybe she asked one of her kids (I have no idea if she did) - the point is she takes care.  That's such a gift.  
Also, at 93, she really didn't need to be serving anyone anything.  But she does.  (She made lunch for the rest of us, too.)  She told me she likes to feed people - it makes her feel useful.  I aspire to be like her when I'm 93.  Or even when I'm 83 - ha - or now!

We celebrated her life with lunch out on Sunday.  
Zayden and Great Aunt Penny

We are blessed for each year we get with Grandma Betty.  She told me she got her driver's license renewed for 3 more years!!  Go, Betty!
Happy birthday, Betty!  You are an inspiration to young, tired housewives and mamas everywhere!  We all love you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy birthday, Betty. Sounds like it was a good one.