Friday, September 9, 2016

10 months old {Zayden Sam}

What a fast 10 months it's been.  It turned out that Zayden was wearing the same onesie today as he was for last month's pictures.  Oops.  Oh well.  
He is a joy!  Such a funny, lovey, all around comedian of a boy!
Zayden likes to touch all the things he isn't supposed to touch - computers, phones, remotes, toilets, outlets, electrical cords, etc.  He is a busy boy.

He will crawl to the middle of the floor and balance on his haunches and then just stand straight up.  One day he'll just start walking.  I'm in no hurry.  He still crawls like a baby bear, earning him the nicknames "Bear" or "Little Bear."

This week is the first week in 6 months that I haven't had to clean his left eye several times a day.  His tear duct seems to finally have opened, leaving two sparkly beautiful blue eyes.  I'm so grateful for an answer to those prayers!
He's a sweetheart of a boy - so full of life.  We love you Sam-Sam boy!

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