Sunday, September 18, 2016

Look Who's Walking {& More}

On Sept 3, Zayden got tooth #8.  He didn't want to show it to us, though.
He got a new book that he loves!
He's the cutest sleeper evah...
He got new to him PJs that mommy loves...
 He wears Daddy's undies on his head...
 He got to try a new flavor of Cheerio for snack...
He learned to air kiss....
 He's broken all the coasters but 2...
He empties the shoe bucket for funsies...

He LOVES to yell during karate class...
And he pulled a couple of all-nighters this week...
But most importantly of all, he started toddling! 
(First steps: Sept. 14th)
 It's just 2-4 steps at a time but it's the cutest thing in the world.
Love you, you ornery ornery boy!

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