Saturday, June 4, 2016

Nannie Saves Mia

Being the little sister when your 2 older siblings have ball almost every night proves to be kind of tiring. After Tuesday's game, when both Mia and mommy were worn out from trying to be cheery at Natalee's game, I called Nannie and she agreed to save Mia from Thursday's game an hour from home.  
From the pictures it looked like they had a ton of fun!
 Sprinkler fun!
 Apparently someone lets her use their iPhone to take pictures.  #spoiled
 Spoiled but happy.

She got to help with chores.  She's watering horses.

Chatting it up with kitty.

I'm told she drank 64 oz of water from this cup.
What a fun Nannie!  Thanks for saving our girl from a night of ball.  Except...Friday when we got ready to go to Xavier's game she said "Yes! (double fist pump) Nannie's house!"  Oops...Nannie couldn't save her Friday because Colby was at ball, too.

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