Wednesday, June 22, 2016

He's UP! {& Training & Cute Videos}

On Saturday night {June 18 - because someday I'll need to go write that in his baby book} this guy started pulling up!  He's so tiny and young and so mighty all at the same time!
It started like this...
 And quickly escalated to this...
 Look, Mama, one hand!

Then, on Monday, while I was getting ready to video him pulling up he let go!....and crashed!
All week long I've been trying to teach him to grab back on to whatever he's holding instead of falling backwards.  Or to sit.  Ugh.  So many crashes!
 I mean, he's adorable.  Definitely adorable.

Since this dude is determined to be so mobile I've also been training him on where he's allowed to go in the house.  Today he didn't go in the playroom at all!  He went to the no-no line and turned around on his own, without me even needing to say anything.  Small successes!  He's a stubborn one!
(video is from Monday)
Did I mention he's adorable?
Something sweet in all his busy-ness is that he's willing to snuggle more readily when he's tired.  Mama's growing boy!

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