Monday, June 27, 2016

A Gentle Reminder

Dear weary parents sitting through so many little league games this season...
Just a gentle reminder that the little girl you are tempted to sigh at, to laugh in fun at...the one who sometimes misses a cue or gets confused as to what to do...the little girl that you whisper to your neighbor about or mutter and grumble towards....
please remember that she belongs to someone.  She is beloved and treasured.  She has overcome many odds.  She has worked hard to learn to tackle everyday activities that you and I take for granted. 
No matter whether she is on your team or the opponent's, keep your words edifying.  Be positive.  Give grace.  Be an encourager.  If you whisper, whisper words of kindness.  Her mama might be sitting nearby or walking behind you....and she might be more proud of that little girl than you'll ever know.  Don't sully her feelings...someday it might be your little girl.

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