Thursday, June 30, 2016

Natalee's Ball Season Ends

I love her love for the game.  It was a great season!
She didn't even get psyched out when we got to her last game and we had to play on a different field and then she realized one of her batting gloves got left at home.
We're thankful for a fun team, over the top fantastic coaches, skills learned, and a wonderful growing season!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Xavier's Ball Season Ends

What a fun season!  
Xavier's coaches ended the year with a pizza party.  Natalee also had a game that night so we split and I went with her and Daddy went with Xavier.
Congrats on a good season, son!  We're proud of you!

Monday, June 27, 2016

A Gentle Reminder

Dear weary parents sitting through so many little league games this season...
Just a gentle reminder that the little girl you are tempted to sigh at, to laugh in fun at...the one who sometimes misses a cue or gets confused as to what to do...the little girl that you whisper to your neighbor about or mutter and grumble towards....
please remember that she belongs to someone.  She is beloved and treasured.  She has overcome many odds.  She has worked hard to learn to tackle everyday activities that you and I take for granted. 
No matter whether she is on your team or the opponent's, keep your words edifying.  Be positive.  Give grace.  Be an encourager.  If you whisper, whisper words of kindness.  Her mama might be sitting nearby or walking behind you....and she might be more proud of that little girl than you'll ever know.  Don't sully her feelings...someday it might be your little girl.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

11 Years

Eleven years with this stud...
 I think time, age, wisdom, and a handful of years of love look mighty fine on us.  I love you, Mr.
We went out to supper for our anniversary.  I dressed up way too much and enjoyed looking nice for my hubby with no little ones to tend to.  Here's to more laughter, more love, and more life worth living with you, Mike!

Friday, June 24, 2016

Xavier at Age Six

Such a lot of sweet memories with this little boy...
This year I've watched as the last of his babyhood really slips away.  He is long and lanky and makes weird noises.  He's protective and helpful and likes to be the man.  He always has a better way to do things and tries to fix most anything - whether it be a broken toy or a bad attitude.  He still likes to snuggle and still has terrible eating habits.  He is a tech junky and has a mechanic's mind.  The way things work makes sense to him and I'm excited to see how that serves him later in life.
Xavier, you remind me of your dad often, which both makes me smile and sigh.  (ha)  The things about daddy that drive me crazy in him, drive me crazy in you, too.  However, the things in your daddy that made me fall in love with him, make me fall in love with you everyday.  You are helpful, you are kind, you stop to talk to people and you care about what they say.  You are laid back and relaxed.  You talk, a lot, and I'm always reminding myself to listen because you have really interesting things to say.  You are an observer and a good judge of character.
At 6:24 a.m. six years ago you stole quickly into the day.  You could wait for no one and you still like to do things your own way.
Son, we love you so much.  We're proud of who you've become in six years and are excited to see what God does in your life!
Happy birthday, Xavier Micheal.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Father's Day 2016

A fine example of a wonderful Daddy.
We got Daddy a Raspberry Pi and he made an old school Nintendo gaming system for the family.  He even uses his new toys to treat us all.
 He also got a new bag chair and parked it in the middle of the floor for the day.  Everyone took turns "gaming."
We finished the night with some real board games.  Love you, Daddy.
{Too sweet to leave out - Natalee planned and helped execute Daddy's Father's Day supper.  All her idea.  A sweet hearted young lady.}

Maiden Voyage

A new toy for the Beeler babies!...A bike trailer!  Mom's relearning to be good enough on a bike to pull it, so last night Daddy took it out for the maiden voyage.  
They both cried when they had to get out - they love it! 

PS - Are your babies supposed to wear helmets when they are in a bike trailer?

Bippity Boppity...

We have a new Cinderella fan in the house and big sister is being sweet and playing along with her fancy!
{Sweet sweet sisters}
Bonus sweet picture:
And videos:

A Rained Out Baseball Game =

Impromptu Game Marathon!

He's UP! {& Training & Cute Videos}

On Saturday night {June 18 - because someday I'll need to go write that in his baby book} this guy started pulling up!  He's so tiny and young and so mighty all at the same time!
It started like this...
 And quickly escalated to this...
 Look, Mama, one hand!

Then, on Monday, while I was getting ready to video him pulling up he let go!....and crashed!
All week long I've been trying to teach him to grab back on to whatever he's holding instead of falling backwards.  Or to sit.  Ugh.  So many crashes!
 I mean, he's adorable.  Definitely adorable.

Since this dude is determined to be so mobile I've also been training him on where he's allowed to go in the house.  Today he didn't go in the playroom at all!  He went to the no-no line and turned around on his own, without me even needing to say anything.  Small successes!  He's a stubborn one!
(video is from Monday)
Did I mention he's adorable?
Something sweet in all his busy-ness is that he's willing to snuggle more readily when he's tired.  Mama's growing boy!