Sunday, November 29, 2015

Zayden's Dedication

Today during worship at our home church we dedicated our sweet Zayden and ourselves to bringing him up in the Lord.  We vowed, before our family, friends, and God to teach Zayden to love Jesus and to walk with Him.  During his dedication our pastor, Billy, read Zayden's name meaning and the life verse we chose for him that goes with the meaning of his name.  
"Zayden" means thankful and Samuel means "God hears." It is our prayer for Zayden that he be able to find thanks in everything. The world is becoming a harder place to live in and we desire for him to rest assuredly, calling on the name of the Lord, knowing that he is heard. His life verse is Philippians 4:6 - Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

This is a short little service, but something that Mike and I take very seriously.  Dedicating our children in this way is possibly one of the most important things that we can do for them - whether we do it before a congregation or privately.

Oh, Prince, how we love you.  How blessed we are by you.  How thankful we are for you!

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