Thursday, November 19, 2015

Xavier Is Learning to Read

Teaching my children to read is one of my biggest joys as a homeschooling mom.  There is something about opening up that huge world of literature to them that makes my heart flutter and gets me excited to tackle each day.  This year it's Xavier's year to learn to read and we're both psyched!
We're started slowly with blending and segmenting sounds.  He hasn't quite gotten his head wrapped around it all yet, but he's getting there. 
We did some extra work today on the white board where I gave him two sounds blended and had him write them, da, si, ce, etc...all short vowel and hard consonant sounds.  He loves the white board so this activity highly appealed to him.
I can't wait to see him soar!  Keep it up, Son - we love you!

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