Friday, November 27, 2015

Roll Over Rover

Today Zayden was having tummy time at mom's...Lauren had put him on his tummy and put his blanket over him to keep him warm.  I was sitting right beside him and when I looked down he was on his back with his blanket on his face!  I put him back on his tummy (removed the blanket) and a couple minutes later he'd turned back over!  What a stinker.  He won't even be three weeks old until Monday.  Sigh. 

Later I laid him on a blanket in the living room and got the camera out to see if he'd do it again...sure enough.  We have a roller! 
 Look at that little grin...
Over Rover!
We love you, Little Man, and we're so proud of you, but don't be in such a hurry to grow up, okay?  Mommy's heart needs you to stay little awhile longer!

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