Monday, November 30, 2015

Three Weeks Old {Zayden}

The Prince is three weeks old today.  Today was a little bit of a tougher must be growth spurt time for the little champ because he spent the day eating and cat-napping...only cat naps because then he needed to eat again!  He is staying awake for longer stretches and, after the older three were in bed tonight, we spent some time playing on the floor.  He even gave Mama a couple of smiles...what a handsome sweetheart.
Cutest smile ever???  For certain!
 I love him so...
Zayden is wearing 0-3 month clothes still (for another week at least!), his hair is so sweet, and his eyes are bright and shiny when he's awake.  He's finding his voice - both his coos and his cries - and learning that making noise (either kind!) gets him fast attention around here. 
His older siblings love him and everyone wants to hold him throughout the day - including Ameliya.  He seems to prefer Mama snuggles, though!
He's starting to stretch out his legs, wave his arms, and open his hands instead of staying all curled and balled up. 
It's been a great, fast three weeks.  Life is a little chaotic right now, but we're finding our groove.  The kids are back to school full time, Ameliya is living life large and in charge, and Zayden is hanging in for the ride!  We love you, Little Man...never doubt that, no matter how upside down-y things feel here, that YOU were meant to be a perfect part of our upside down-y circle!

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Decorating the Tree

We "decked our halls" at home tonight.  I'm not much of a decorator but we got out the tree and did our thing...

Natalee and Xavier were very very into the decorating.  Ameliya was indifferent and Zayden stayed awake to watch his dad string the lights before sacking out.

Xavier loves hanging the Santa Key on the tree.  He firmly believes in it and he'll diligently hang it on the door on Christmas Eve so Santa can get in since we don't have a chimney!

All my babies' first Christmas ornaments, courtesy of Aunt Lauren and Uncle Lance.

Natalee hanging the star! 

Trying to get a picture of the four of them was a silly plan...
Blooper 1:
Blooper 2:
 There's about 10 more bloopers where these came from.  

 Merry Christmas, friends, as the season begins.  Enjoy all the little moments!

Zayden's Dedication

Today during worship at our home church we dedicated our sweet Zayden and ourselves to bringing him up in the Lord.  We vowed, before our family, friends, and God to teach Zayden to love Jesus and to walk with Him.  During his dedication our pastor, Billy, read Zayden's name meaning and the life verse we chose for him that goes with the meaning of his name.  
"Zayden" means thankful and Samuel means "God hears." It is our prayer for Zayden that he be able to find thanks in everything. The world is becoming a harder place to live in and we desire for him to rest assuredly, calling on the name of the Lord, knowing that he is heard. His life verse is Philippians 4:6 - Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

This is a short little service, but something that Mike and I take very seriously.  Dedicating our children in this way is possibly one of the most important things that we can do for them - whether we do it before a congregation or privately.

Oh, Prince, how we love you.  How blessed we are by you.  How thankful we are for you!

Friday, November 27, 2015

Roll Over Rover

Today Zayden was having tummy time at mom's...Lauren had put him on his tummy and put his blanket over him to keep him warm.  I was sitting right beside him and when I looked down he was on his back with his blanket on his face!  I put him back on his tummy (removed the blanket) and a couple minutes later he'd turned back over!  What a stinker.  He won't even be three weeks old until Monday.  Sigh. 

Later I laid him on a blanket in the living room and got the camera out to see if he'd do it again...sure enough.  We have a roller! 
 Look at that little grin...
Over Rover!
We love you, Little Man, and we're so proud of you, but don't be in such a hurry to grow up, okay?  Mommy's heart needs you to stay little awhile longer!

Thanksgiving 2015

We are so blessed...
 and we are so thankful...
 even when the kids make a blooper photo. 
 My heart overflows with gladness!

Happy First Thanksgiving, Zayden!

We spent Thanksgiving Day at Mike's Grandma Betty's.  First, though, our kids watched the parade.  They got hungry so, of course, we ate cereal in front of the TV...because you can't miss the parade!
 How convenient that I'd been sorting maternity clothes and had a tote sitting there for a table. 

Our sweet niece, Adelyn.  She'll never smile for a selfie with me but we did tell secrets and get our lovings in.
Great Grandma Betty loves our kids so well.  She thinks Ameliya is "such a sugar" and obviously Ameliya thinks Great Grandma Betty is pretty fine too.

I took the two little ones and ran out to my aunts to visit with my extended family for awhile after lunch.  A cousin took some pictures for me...I'll post them when she is able to share them. 

Today we had Thanksgiving with my mom and dad and family.
Andrea took the picture so she's not in it. :(
Uncle Lance had the tummy flu so he didn't get to come...Natalee made him a picture because she missed him!
 After we ate we put up Mom and Dad's tree.  By "we" I mean, them...I supervised from the chair!
I love family time.  There's something about it that fills me all up on the inside and makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over.  
Blessed...that's what we are.  So very very blessed.