Tuesday, August 19, 2008


had a horridly sad staff meeting yesterday, went to payton's funeral & then ran to ottumwa to buy those last minute things that you need to make a house a 'home',...got home at 10:00 & did laundry/picked up 'till 11:30...
up at 5:30...working a 12 hour day today,
a 14 hour day tomorrow,
& plan on packing/moving thursday, friday, & saturday.

don't expect blogs from us...& don't come looking for us...& for heaven's sake--please don't ask much from us unless its an emergency (we love you,
we do, but we are catching ourselves coming right now--give us a week or so!).

1 comment:

Bree Shaw said...

hope all goes well. it will be over very quickly and then you can enjoy getting ready for the baby!