Monday, August 25, 2008

keeping you in the loop

we are moved (thank you family!) & surrounded by boxes at home (keep thinking to myself as i unpack them "& i need this why?"). wanted you all to know that we DO NOT have internet at the house right now & i CAN NOT check my hotmail at work, so anything you sent me friday night & after i HAVE NOT read. if you need to e-mail me do so to my work account (no forwards please) at for mike except for mbeeler...
can't promise i'll get them b/c i don't know what this e-mail system filters out...
you also all probably have my cell phone number or, for goodness sakes, just drop by..most of my blog reading fans now live in the same town as me...come on over, unpack a box, make yourself useful!
okay...only 20 minutes to to scoot...lots to do today!


Andrea Frederick said...

can't that tech guy over there remove those filter? too bad you don't have any connections:)

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

they have school wide filtering, not computer by computer like schuyler. any filter he removes takes it off every computer so he'd have to open it to everyone. apparently not worth it, even for the wife. he's working on hooking me up a gmx account in the meantime so i can get my mail through it!

Andrea Frederick said...

let me know if you want me to check your email and forward anything that looks important or you can come over and use our computer. that would suck!