Monday, August 11, 2008

real quickly...

okay, real quickly before i go to bed, here's the latest...
just checked my mail for the day & our loan agent e-mailed me (she's so sweet--i love getting her e-mails). APPRAISAL PASSED WITH FLYING COLORS! now we just have to lock in an interest rate...another scary thing i know nothing about. pretty much that means we just have to decide that today's rate is better that yesterday's & lock it in or choose to wait until tomorrow...i feel like i'm on the price is right! that journey starts tomorrow as i will get our first e-mail of the daily rates. good news is our interest is fixed for the duration of the loan so no fluctuation after i lock in.

our homeowner's insurance policy is being drawn up right now. we priced one company locally & then another...the first was $300 higher than the second & the second has better roof coverage! absolutely ridiculous! (but a blessing that we found the cheaper guy before we settled).

i worked like a madwoman in my classroom today & my back is paying for it. since mike has to be in memphis by 6:30 tomorrow morning to get the company vehicle & go to a meeting i believe i'm going to conserve fuel (and myself) and stay home (because i don't want to be at work at 6:30 & i don't want to get out the second vehicle...we're kind of loving this low fuel bill thing!). looks like moving could actually become a reality this weekend or next so i have plenty to keep myself busy! i'll hit the classroom again wednesday (hopefully with the help of a sister or two) & get most of it finished up. i actually made a lot of headway today--threw away tons of stuff from 1960-70 & got all my furniture arranged. a good feeling!

i'm off to bed...mike's tossing and turning, probably because i'm in the living room and the light is shining right into the bedroom. i hope he's very quiet when he gets up in the morning...if i was a good wife i'd get up and make him breakfast...we'll see!


Andrea Frederick said...

YAY for all that, can't wait till your back in my neck of the woods:)

breanna said...

AWESOME! I'm so happy for you guys! Such an awesome achievement before children! Holler if we can help in anyway!!!! HUGS!