Sunday, August 10, 2008

busy weekend!

whew...what another busy weekend we had. mike worked on the new house most of saturday while i hob-nobbed with his family at the beeler yard sale. mike had an unexpected blessing--he mowed the lawn & then while he was working on other projects around the house he heard a weed-eater start up. my cousin, rhett, who works for a lawn service company in lancaster was doing our new neighbor's house & he walked over and wacked our weeds real quick just out of the goodness of his heart. what a nice young man he's turning into! we came home saturday about 5 & had a quick supper, showers & bed at a decent time.

this morning we went to church. this is the 3rd sunday in a row that i haven't had any babies during sunday school in my nursery program--i won't give up however & i won't stop sitting there. i don't want to discourage parents by not being there the one sunday they need someone. the nursery table was full for lesson, though, during church, which is wonderful & proves that our service is meaningful and that the parents appreciate it. i've got a brochure ready to print and send out that will describe our program much better & i'm excited about the potential response from it. as much as i love serving our nursery curriculum it was nice to sit upstairs with my husband during sermon today...especially since the series is on marriage. we've had a disconnected few weeks because of new jobs, new house, baby coming, packing, etc...

this afternoon i went with the church board meeting with mike. it was an enlightening experience and i actually really enjoyed it. it opened my eyes to a lot of the reasonings behind the decisions that are made and why they are made. i'm getting to the point in my life where i'm not satisfied complaining about things that i don't work to change--don't complain if you don't want to do anything about it is what i'm pretty much feeling. so, that means getting more involved, more bold, and sharing more of my opinions--look out. after the board meeting mike & i stayed for a youth group/parents/sponsors supper. there was a nice turn-out, although i wish more people would have is hard, though, especially on such a nice day. we have so many farmers in our community & today was a wonderful day for folks were in the field as well as many others, i'm sure.

so now, mike and i are watching army wives, chilling in our jammies, and working on the design for the new youth t-shirts. this week i'm getting in and getting down & dirty organizing my new classroom (which may mean less blogs...sorry dianna!). i'm also going to be working on getting a baby show ready for relay for life...roped my sisters into helping (that's what sisters are for). i think we're doing a pajama party theme & i'm actually kind of excited about it...i love to organize things. good night, dear friends (or good morning, as many of you won't read this until tomorrow!). have a wonderful day!

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