Friday, August 15, 2008


grrr...mike & i had our crib all picked out. it was on sale a couple of months ago & we decided to go ahead & buy it. we got to the store & it was out of big deal, we got a raincheck. well...i've been checking for the last 2 1/2 weeks--call every mon, wed, & fri (when the trucks come in) to see if they've gotten a crib. no such luck. now my raincheck is expired but they say they'll honor it since it is their goof. however--they won't order one for me, they won't ship one from the website, and they won't transfer one from another store!! even wal-mart does that! so, for now, i continue to call--surely i'll frustrate someone enough that they'll do something! now when i call & say, "hi, i'm calling to see if you have a crib i'm waiting for in stock" they automatically say, "just a moment, mrs. beeler." ha, ha, ha--they know my name...there is probably a nasty post-it note on the service desk telephone that warns people about me (& i'm not rude by the way, just persistent)! if i were going to be in another town, i'd just buy it there if they'd honor my rain check (hey, its a $50 difference & i'm cheap!), but mike & i aren't planning on going anywhere soon...maybe to kc or des moines after we move just for fun, but not while we're in the middle of moving. that's okay--i don't mind calling...i get a little amused at the service workers when i call!
sidenote: i'm watching "a baby story" on tlc & this woman getting ready to have a baby chose a c-section because (and i quote): "the old way is primitive...women shouldn't have to go through that anymore." i have nothing against c-sections if they are necessary but COME ON! its not like anyone expected her to squat in a rice field!


Bree Shaw said...

i am going to columbia tomorrow so if you want to check there and they have it i would be more than happy to pick it up for you

Andrea Frederick said...

i'm going to columbia on the 28th too. i watched that baby strange.

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

i won't be able to get my rain check to you tomorrow, bree, but thanks for the offer--very kind...might try & send it with andrea on the 28th if nothing comes in here.

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

bleck..just checked columbia store b/c got to thinking if you are going, bree, would be worth it for me to run the rain check & $$ down to you...they are out of stock also. of course they are...grr. thanks again for the offer.

breanna said...

LOL love your end comment! too funny!!! heard about the sc principle - will be praying...

Anonymous said...

What store is the crib from? I can keep my eye out in Columbia since I do live here. Why didn't you ask me to go check sooner you silly goose?
Love Ya, Kea