Tuesday, August 12, 2008

don't know why

i don't know why i thought of this but i just must say that i'm very thankful for our freezerful of "home grown" meats. my folks feed & butcher beef from their own farm so we know exactly what goes in them. i had a hamburger that was one of the pre-made freezer patties the other day at a function & i tell ya, it just wasn't good. our beef just tastes so much better! our folks also purchase hogs from people they know--sometimes vance's folks, sometimes henry, sometimes others...so we always have yummy pork sausage, ham, sidemeat, etc.
it's a blessing to not have to figure any meats but chicken or turkey into our grocery shopping & also so nice to have meat whose 'track record' i know! like i said...don't know why that came to me but it did...just thought i'd share!


Andrea Frederick said...

amen...sista...no hormones for us, must be why i don't have big boobs!

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

lol...never thought of it quite like that!