Monday, August 19, 2024

The First Day of School {Self Portraits + How It Went!} 2024

B.L.I.S.S. Academy kicked off the 2024-25 school year on Monday, August 19th this year.  We soft started the week before by completing a week of Sonlight Core for each group, but Monday was the official "take the pics, do the self portraits, get out all the subjects" day.

The kindergartener overslept....she's coming off a cold and had stayed up a little late at small groups Sunday night.  #homeschoolprivilege (wink)
She was still up in time for Donuts from Daddy for our first day.
There were a few supplies to ooh and aah over....really we didn't need much so a fresh notebook, pencils, and folder in everyone's school color (or as best I could find) and a new set of water colors was enough...the whistle lollis were very fun for the younger 3 at recess but they were not dye free as I had thought.  The pencil pals were winners and added a sweet touch to the gifts.

After we cleaned up breakfast and put on our first day faces we headed out for pictures.  Mom on crutches meant we couldn't take a walk down to the prettier bricks and flowers on campus so we made do in the yard.

After pictures we went back inside and everyone worked on their traditional first day self portrait.  These are more for me than them, probably, but they are sweet to indulge me.
I do so love these self portraits and they hang in their frames in the dining room and give me such joy.
Evalynn did a guided self-portrait.  I drew on my own paper beside her and she replicated it on her paper.  She added the rainbow, groundline, skyline, and flowers without any guidance.

I even sat by Evie and painted.  I don't think the nose or the lips are even close but I do like the reflections in the sunglasses.

Zayden went with a half face portrait this year.
Love his color choices and he did so good on his hairline.

Natalee worked completely independently this year.  I love the abstract watercolor background, the shiny glasses, and that she remembered to add her beauty mark on her chin.  She did a great job.

Xavier painted a baseball player.  He had me print a field for a background.  I love the backwards hat, the attention to the uniform detail, and the commitment to the overall theme.

Ameliya drew off an idea from last year's self-portraits but made it very individual.  I love the different versions of the dividing lines, and the jewelry that she included.  She did a great job balancing hot and cold colors to make a bright and cheery portrait!

Not having two easy to use legs means that I don't have very many pictures of us actually working on our first day of school.  But work we did.  We did Sonlight, sciences, and maths.  We didn't get every subject out on day 1 and that's okay.  The weather was beautiful and the children got outside and enjoyed it and that is important, too.  We trouble shooted first day computer troubles, missing curriculum pieces and tried to give a lot of grace to ourselves and one another.

Overall it was a very successful day!!
Mia brought me this book and asked if I could make her hair look like the main character's.  Challenge. Accepted. (except she wouldn't let me cut bangs!)  
1980s-90s flashback

The school hutch is ready for the year, too!  I never know what decor goes between the Americana and Fall so we're still stuck in 4th of July.

And mommy didn't cry about the baby going to kindergarten until after everyone was in bed....winning.

Sweet gifts from my favorite "superintendent."  The bracelet came with a card to remind me to pray over things before I stress over them.  Bless him.
And honest to goodness this cup does make me smile everyday.  One cold coffee latte is all I drink a day and I savor it until after lunch sometimes so my coffee cup does a lot of teaching with me.  

First Day of School 2024 {Official Pictures + Curriculum Line Up}

Bright and shiny faces for the first day of school!!

First up - the sophomore.  How on earth did we get here when she was just in kindergarten last year it feels like??  Yet here we are.
Sophomore year is going to be great!  Natalee's continuing on in math, doing basic chemistry for her science credit, American history and American literature this year.  She'll be doing Institute for Excellence in Writing through our HSAP as well as music theory and Spanish I.  Swim team will tie up her phys ed. requirements and she'll do a half credit in each art and computer fundamentals using Easy Peasy lessons online.  The Bible portion of her Sonlight curriculum plus her independent studies will fulfill another elective.  She may also work on finishing a partial credit of Home Economics.  It sounds like a lot but it doesn't all have to fit in a 9-3 window.  Homeschooling is a lifestyle.
Natalee continues OT every other week and hippotherapy weekly.  She's active in youth group and a young lady's Bible study and has plenty to keep her busy.  She would like to find some part time employment and we're praying for the right fit for her.

Next up - a brand new high schooler.  
Xavier is ready to tackle his freshman year!
Xavier will be taking Algebra 1 through the HSAP.  He will also be taking IEW for his writing, and music theory and ensemble through HSAP.  At home he'll be taking biology, American history and American literature, and a Bible course.  Swim and health will fulfill phys. ed., and then there's driver's ed. to think about.  He'd like to continue coding and perhaps art and wants some time in the kitchen for a home economics course.  It's a bit up in the air yet whether he'll be taking my HSAP economics course.  Many of these would just be half credits so don't despair that I've bogged him down.  Xavier is always on the move.  He does like to read for pleasure in his spare time, but he's not often idle.  He's been working a bit with a friend doing construction and he's thriving in that environment.  We are very grateful for that opportunity for him.  

We have two students in the upper elementary grades this year.
Ameliya is our fifth grader.
Ameliya is using Masterbooks for science and language.  She's in an American History/Literature core in Sonlight and her Bible lessons are tied into that, also.  She's continuing math using Teaching Textbooks and is in her last year of Rod & Staff Biblical history reading lessons.  She wants to continue art lessons online and we will have her keep working on her typing skills.  She'll be taking IEW at HSAP, as well as Spanish, music, choir, and my 4th-8th grade art class.  Only the writing class will have homework, the rest will be enrichment.  She's focusing heavily on fine arts this year and will be taking handbells and piano lessons through HSAP, also.

Zayden is in fourth grade.
Zayden's course load is very similar to Mia's.  He's also using Masterbooks for science and language.  They are in different levels for language but the same book for science - it's nice to have a learning buddy for science labs. He's in an American History/Literature core in Sonlight with Bible lessons tied into that, also.  He's also continuing math using Teaching Textbooks and is in his last year of Rod & Staff Biblical history reading lessons (we only use them through level 4 and he and Mia have always done them together).  Through HSAP he'll be taking IEW for writing, art with me, Spanish, music, and choir.  He is joining ukulele club and will be taking piano lessons.

Last, but certainly never to let herself be the least, the resident kindergartener....Miss Evalynn.
Evalynn is a very young kindergartner but she's ready.  We're using Masterbooks for math and science.  She and I will sing our way through phonics and learning to read using Sing, Spell, Read, and Write, and we are very much enjoying Sonlight Core A for Bible and History.  Evie is going to get to take gymnastics this fall, which she is very excited about.  She'll be doing enrichment classes at HSAP - music, art, Spanish, and early readers.

The sweetest kids made mommy a back to school sign, too.
Mommy is excited for our school year and craving our school routine.  I'm throwing my hat back into the classroom teaching ring and will be teaching a full day through our HSAP while our children are in classes.  We are all nervously excited.  Our family joining HSAP is a fine example of "never say never"...we are grateful for what this program will offer us right now and choosing not to be anxious.  There is a wonderful woman of God at the helm of the program right now and teachers that we trust to influence our children.  We are grateful to be among a homeschooling community here locally and praying for a wonderful year.

Cheer to a great school year.  Let's do it, kids!!